BES | Exhibitions | Group | 2015 | The Gap – selected abstract art from Belgium | curator Luc Tuymans | Parasol Unit London GB

BES | Exhibitions | Group | 2009 | The State of Things | Curatoren Luc Tuymans Fan Dian Ai Weiwei | Bozar Brussels B

BES | Exhibitions | Group | 2008 | Odette | Dance Floors and Labyrinths | Curator Christophe De Jaeger | Vrijstaat O Ostend B

BES | Exhibitions | Group | 2007 | Tanzen/Sehen | Museum fur gegenwartskunst Siegen GER

BES | Exhibitions | Group | 2007 | Selfportraits | AurelScheibler Gallery Berlin GER

BES | Exhibitions | Group | 2005 | Dear ICC | Curator Thibaut Verhoeven | Witte Zaal Ghent B

BES | Exhibitions | Group | 2005 | IDYL | as to answer that picture | Curator Philippe Pirotte | Middelheim Openlucht Museum Antwerp B

BES | Exhibitions | Group | 2004 | Dear ICC | Curator Johan Pas | MUHKA Antwerp B

BES | Exhibitions | Group | 2004 | Damn’Art 2004 | Damme | B

BES | Exhibitions | Group | 2001 | Provinciale Prijs Schilderkunst | koningin Fabiolazaal | Antwerp B